Happy late Valentines Day everyone!!! Today in music we played our recorder games and we have started our lighthouse tubes!!!!!
Today in art most of us completed our color wheels and had a blast while doing it. During writing we got all of the research that we need for our lighthouse writing, and tomorrow we can finish it!!!!
Today we were introduced to a new group of tiles. In lighthouses we worked on our scale drawings of our lighthouses. Oh I forgot to mention our lighthouse choices. Currituck, Bodie, Cape Hatteras, Okracoke, Cape Lookout, Old Baldy and Oak. We are having a blast!!!!!
Today we tried out our new schedule where we eat after recces. Our song of the week is Lighthouse Song. During lighthouses, we are figuring out how tall the lighthouses that we are going to build are going to be. Although it was rainy, we still had a blast!!!
today we leared about the locotion of our lighthouses
today we had dance with gaspard and THAMM
today we saw sub staion and it was fun
today for recess we only had the upper playground 
today we had a tree ceremony for the trees that are getting cut down
today we threw a surprise party for Heather [because its here half birthday]